Exploring pregnancy termination experiences and needs among Malaysian women: A qualitative study Full Text

This was because of the uncertainty surrounding the legal identity of her daughter https://medicalestan.ir/mail-order-brides-pricing-how-much-does-it-cost-to-find-and-buy-a-foreign-wife/ – her daughter does not hold a Malaysian citizenship as she was born overseas but has an application that is currently “in process”. She says staying in the foreign country provides more security for her child and herself, as they are allowed to be browse around here https://asian-date.net/eastern-asia/malaysian-women there on a long term basis unlike in Malaysia where her non-Malaysian daughter gets shorter term visas. Laws that are gender-discriminatory make women more vulnerable during times of crisis. As many as 14 rights groups, including the All Women’s Action Society, said the legislative changes by the northeastern state of Terengganu violate the right to freedom of expression, equality and non-discrimination. The laws, which were passed by the state assembly, also worsen “existing harmful impact on women, young people, LGBTQ persons, among others,” according to a Dec. 3 statement.

  • Since 2007, the official Malaysia team kit has been manufactured by Nike.
  • Women’s football in Malaysia is considerably underdeveloped, mostly due to the strict principles of Islam, the country’s most dominant religion, in contrast with the men’s side.
  • In Malaysia, sexual harassment, as defined by the Employment Act 1955, is “any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, non-verbal, visual, gestural or physical, directed at a person which is offensive, humiliating or a threat to their well-being”.
  • Defense lawyer Jagjit Singh later told reporters that the amount of the fine was the largest ever in Malaysia’s history.
  • A Malaysian woman with a 4-year old non-Malaysian child with development delay cannot resume occupational therapy due to the MCO.

C. Offer Permanent Residence status to children of Malaysians once the child is on the Long Term Social Visit Visa. This facility should be approved within six months of submission of application and granted until the age of 18. This will enable the children access to health care and education on an equal basis as Malaysian children. On July 19, the home minister revealed in parliament that there had been 591 submissions under Article 14 from children born overseas to Malaysian mothers between 2021 and July this year.


Some of them coped with these feelings through prayers, asking forgiveness from God and the unborn fetus. Forty-five women who passed the criteria for study inclusion were approached for participation and 31 agreed to be interviewed. Among the 14 women who rejected participation, reasons were reluctance to discuss the study topic, unavailability for the planned interview as well as time constraints, disapproval from husband/partner to participate and concerns with confidentiality.

Prosecutors said Rosmah wielded considerable influence due to her « overbearing nature, » even though she held no official position. Witnesses testified that a special department, called First Lady of Malaysia, was set up to handle Rosmah’s affairs. Najib and Rosmah have been hit with multiple charges of graft after the shocking ouster of his United Malays National Organization in the 2018 elections, fueled by public anger over the 1MDB scandal. UMNO has since returned to power after defections caused the collapse of the reformist government that won the 2018 polls.

Experiences towards accessing abortion services and information

Pregnant Malaysian women are facing difficulties entering Malaysia during this Movement Control Order to deliver their children in Malaysia. Children born overseas to Malaysian women are not automatically Malaysian citizens upon registration , which also means that these children will not get Malaysian citizenship. Furthermore, during this time, it is also difficult for their non-citizen husbands to accompany them to Malaysia. Malaysia’s deputy home minister previously said that a child born overseas might hold dual citizenship http://minix.dk/mail-order-brides-old-practice-still-seen-as-new-chance-for-a-better-life-for-some-relationships/ – illegal in Malaysia after an individual reaches the age of 21 and has to choose – and so pose a national security threat.

Among the types of abortion information desired were the consequences or side effects, availability of the service, methods of abortion, abortion procedures and post abortion care. Most women had concerns about long term consequences of post-abortion but were not sure of the validity of the information and would like to receive detailed information about side effects. Most of them preferred medical abortion compared to surgical methods (D&C/MVA) as it took up less time, was cheaper, was more convenient and could easily be done at home, with little or no pain like normal menstruation. Women with impressions that surgical abortion would be painful, weaken the body and impose the need to stay in the clinic for post-abortion monitoring influenced some women to choose medical abortion. The patients’ medical records were searched for women who fitted the inclusion criteria of the study; those who experienced induced abortion (surgical and/or medical abortion). Walk-in patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were also approached to participate. A Malaysian woman chose to remain in Italy instead of repatriate to Malaysia although the Covid-19 situation was escalating there.

During her trial, 23 prosecution http://mrict.in/mail-order-brides-pricing-how-much-does-it-cost-to-find-and-buy-a-foreign-wife/ witnesses testified but only two defense witnesses were called, including Rosmah. She told the court she was never involved in government affairs and that her former aide was a corrupt liar who had used her name to solicit bribes and pocketed the money himself. The court also heard that she spent 100,000 ringgit a month ($22,300) to hire online propagandists to deflect criticism of her lavish lifestyle that led to her being despised by many Malaysians. Rosmah’s trial shed light on her alleged sway in the government since her husband took office in 2009.

Ten women reported only to have had one previous abortion while the remaining had multiple abortions ranging from 2–8 times. The findings revealed that although women had abortions, nevertheless they faced problems in seeking for abortion information and services. They also had fears about the consequences and side effects of abortion and wish to receive more information on abortion. Women with post-abortion feelings ranged from no feelings to not wanting to think about the abortion, relief, feeling of sadness and loss. Abortion decisions were primarily theirs but would seek partner/husband’s agreement. In terms of the women’s needs for abortion, or if they wished for more information on abortion, pre and post abortion counseling and post-abortion follow up. “Discriminatory nationality and citizenship laws embody patriarchal values that undermine women’s basic human rights and expose them and their children to harm and further discrimination.

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